Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cheers to Breaking a World Record America!

Whether it’s sparkling Riesling or full-bodied Cabernet that you are drinking, it’s pretty cool to know that you are a contributing factor to the breaking news in America’s wine industry.  Recent reports show that the United States has passed France and become the largest wine-consuming nation in the world. 

As I browsed through the latest “tweets” on my Twitter account (@kmack717), I came across one from PA Wine Association: “Reason to celebrate?  U.S. Passes France as World’s Biggest Wine-Consuming Nation: http://cot.ag/eQ7kUw”.  According to Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates, a wine-industry consulting firm, wine shipments to the U.S. have increased over 2 percent to 329.7 million cases in 2010 (9.1 million more than France).  Considering our population is more than five times the size of France’s we have the potential to continue growing and keep this #1 status.  “With the U.S. being the biggest, it means we’re a target for everyone in America and around the world that produces wine,” Fredrikson said. “Everyone wants to be here.”

This new record for the U.S. shows that consumers are now drinking wine at more than just special occasions.  This drink is becoming an accepted part of everyday life.  This is partly due the growing interest from the younger generations of Americans.  We are finding new ways to learn about wine through social media and marketers are taking advantage of it.  So I tell them, keep it up.  Wine is becoming the drink of choice and I, for one, will toast to that!

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