Saturday, February 19, 2011


As I begin my journey, you may be wondering who I am and why on earth you should be reading this blog.  Well, I’ll start by answering a few unknowns for you.

Who: me, Kimberly Mackiewicz, Penn State student

What: A semester long discovery of the mysteries and magic of wine and the wine making process.

When: Spring Semester of my Senior year at Penn State University as an Agribusiness Management Major

Where: My computer, my room, a winery, wherever I can

Why: I am currently working on an independent study project with my advisor, Dr. Jeffery Hyde, in my last semester and had the choice of any topic to research.  I decided on Wine.  As a 21 year old, I have a new found interest in the mysteries of wine, this beverage my relatives have been drinking for years at parties, on special occasions, and at restaurants.    In the next three months, I want to unlock the mysteries behind the wine making process and the history of wine from grape to bottle, both culturally and religiously.  Aside from the drink itself, I want to learn about the steps to take when opening and operating my own winery and vineyard.  While this special form of alcohol has been around for centuries, its mysteries still remain an interest to American society.  I hope to unfold some of these secrecies to my readers. 

How: To do this, I plan to read as many books as I can (From Wine Encyclopedias to The Idiot’s Guide to Running a Winery to fictional stories).  I will also visit wineries and vineyards in my area to see how it all works.  From wine tastings to tours of the vineyards, I hope to reveal the mysteries about this flavorful beverage made from grapes.  I want to understand what makes each type of wine different from the others.  For example, why is a Chardonnay dry and Niagara sweet?  As I learn and discover new things, I will share them with you on this blog.  I will post links to interesting articles as well as clips to help you uncover the mysteries along with me.

I thought I would end my very first post with a few ways for you to understand more about me than simply my reasons for creating this blog.  From one of my favorite shows, Inside the Actor’s Studio, James Lipton asks his guests these questions from Bernard Pivot’s version of the Proust Questionnaire. Here are my answers:
  1. What is your Favorite Word?
    • Imperfection, because life shouldn't be perfect.
  2. What is your Least Favorite Word?
    • Can’t, because anything is possible.
  3. What turns you on?
    •  Confidence
  4. What turns you off?
    • Indecisiveness
  5. What sound or noise do you love?
    • The sound of the coffeemaker
  6. What sound or noise do you hate?
    • The buzzing of the alarm clock, if it’s going off before 10am
    • What is your favorite curse word?
      • Dammit. – it’s not the worst one out there but gets the point across.
    • What profession other than your own would you like to try?
      • Novelist or Entrepreneur – I want to be my own boss.
    • What profession you would never want to try?
      • Maid - I have a hard enough time keeping my room clean, I wouldn't want to clean someone else’s.
    • If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say to you at the Pearly Gates?
      • You did good, kid. Come on in, they’re waiting for you.

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